The first week of married life proved to be rather hectic! We left Sunday for Charleston (in two different cars!) and didn't get there until the evening. We unpacked, ate dinner and Russ started on his school work. That continued all week. He was gone from 7:30am until about 3:30 everyday. I slept until at least 10 everyday which was fantastic! Then I hit the job and apartment hunting trails. What fun that proved to be. Apparently the new trend in apartments is to not have a washer and dryer in the unit. Not cool. I lived through dragging my clothes across the world in college and I really don't care to do so again. And the new trend in hiring people... is to not do so. haha. So unfortunately, I didn't prove successful in either one of those. I did take a day to go to Boone Hall plantation which was gorgeous. It's the place that has the "Avenue of Oaks" in the Notebook:
I loved it! I can't wait to get a house and start framing pictures. My goal is to be able to decorate our house with pictures that we've taken from various places.
Anyway... we got to spend the day together on Saturday and went downtown Charleston. We ate breakfast at a little place called Toast which is apparently a hangout for college kids who went out and had a little too much fun the night before. It proved for some interesting entertainment. The best two quotes of my entire trip were heard there...
"Corned Beef Hash?! Wow, does that have corn in it?"
"Kentucky......... isn't that where the Kentucky Derby is?"
haha. I love it. Glad that God blessed me with some common sense!
We left there and went to the downtown market... pretty cool place where all these artists and vendors come out and sell their stuff. We decided to try to start collecting Christmas tree ornaments for anywhere that we travel to... so we bought a Charleston ornament... and a Palmetto tree pitcher for all that sweet tea Russ drinks :)
On the way to the bathroom, we spotted what appears to be a Charleston fad... gum posts. This post had so much gum on it... it was disgusting up close, but it looked pretty cool from afar :) There were a bunch of others like it, but this one had the most gum on it.
We then got suckered into attending a timeshare presentation... for all these free attraction tickets. The place looked great... cool idea..... but they presented it to the wrong couple because we certainly didn't have the money they were looking for. haha. So we got some free tickets... and vowed to never attend one of those things again.
We headed back towards the car where we spotted a Moonpie General Store.....
Moonpies and RC Cola...Its a Southern thing :)
Which... we then spotted the Gamecock paraphenalia... and since I did vow to be a Carolina Gamecock, I had to get the "Fear the Spur" picture. haha. I promise, I'll show some more excitement about this as the years go on :)
And then we headed to dinner... where we watched a wedding in the Courtyard and reminisced about a week beforehand when we were doing the same thing. It was quite the week... and then I had to leave :( The drive home was long and boring and I sure do miss him being around! However, I don't miss having to check to make sure the toilet seat is down! That was definitely the first lesson of marriage... make sure to check before you sit. haha. Even if he does leave the toilet seat up all the time, I love him :)
Well, it's dinner time... until next time...