Friday, October 30, 2009

Apple Schmapple

So the husband recently mentioned how bad he NEEDS a new phone... and how bad he WANTS an MP3 player. So being the loving and devoted to his NEEDS (and WANTS), and because I'm such a resourceful, money saving person, I decided to look at iPhones since they are both. :)

Being the bargain shopper, I found one for a great price... but then I find out it is an extra $30 PER MONTH to have a data plan for this little hot gadget. SERIOUSLY?! That is an extra car payment every year! I have never been a fan of Apple products, and this sure doesn't make me one.

On to check out these Zune players I hear so much about.

Apple - 0
Microsoft - 1

Monday, October 12, 2009


Okay, so I know I've been slacking on the blogging lately and I have some catching up to do. I've made a few dinners that I wanted to post, but they need some revisions. So you'll have to wait on seeing more tasty creations.

But in the meantime, I've got a "life" post. I like to log on to Facebook, particularly in the mornings before I leave for work to check in on my world of friends. If someone is having a bad morning already, I take some time to pray that their day gets better/ less stressful. This morning I woke up and logged on to find that an old friend from when I was in high school had lost his mother. I sat in shock for a few minutes hoping it was a sick joke... but it wasn't. Here is a young man... a few years younger than me who lost the one woman he has known and who has had the most influence in his life. She won't be able to see his wedding or his children. I cannot even imagine what he is going through. Tragedy is good about quickly reminding us to be thankful... to get your priorities straight. t usually takes a tragedy to make us realize what we are thankful for. So today, I've been in a reflective mood... trying not to take things or life for granted because it is so easy to do that when life is going smoothly. So here is my list of what and who I'm thankful for!

1. Many people didn't have a chance at another day today. So today, I am thankful that I woke up to another day in this world... a day I can make a difference
2. Many people don't know the loving, patient, gracious, merciful God that I know. I am thankful for having the opportunity to know Him and share Him. And I am grateful that He has a plan for my life
3. Many people woke up this morning and didn't have a job to go to (and not just because it is a holiday!)... but I am thankful for having a job... and a job that I enjoy doing at that!
4. There are plenty of children, men and women who live in a house where they fear their safety... or they don't even have a house to live in. I am thankful for my house... that is right next to a police station :)
5. Many people will wonder what they will eat today... I am thankful for cupboards with food in them.
6. I am thankful for my loving, caring and supportive husband who reminds me everyday that he loves me. I have so many reasons to be thankful for him... he has helped me in so many ways. He puts up with so much from me... I can be pretty crazy sometimes. :) Even the little things that irritate me... I'm thankful for. Like when he hogs the covers... I'm thankful that he is in the bed with me hogging my covers, not someone else's! And when he doesn't fold the bathroom towel the right way, I'm thankful that he at least uses the towel to try to clean up... or thankful that he washed his hands! ;)
7. Freedom of speech and religion
8. The expensive electric bill because it means that our house is kept cool and I have electricity in my home!
9. My sight, hearing and the ability to walk and function properly
10. Technology that helps me keep in touch with family and friends
11. My car that allows me to get around to places I need or want to go
12. A father who was and is actively involved in my life
13. A brother who is still alive
14. My DVR that allows me to skip all commercials :)
15. The rain that we are currently getting here in SC... we need it!
16. All of my extended family.. grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, nieces, etc who have taught me various life lessons in the past 24 years. I would have never known how to cross stitch, bake, sew, grow a garden, snap green beans, can vegetables or make hay if it weren't for my grandparents. If it weren't for my aunts and uncles I wouldn't have learned how to make quadruple stuffed oreos (which by the way is the only way to eat them!), to drive a stick shift, a go-kart, a boat, a snow mobile or a 4 wheeler, or known how to ski. I wouldn't have had the privilege of hand-me downs such as the Nintendo or Play Station or had fond memories of playing capture the flag or TV tag at family gatherings if it weren't for my cousins. I wouldn't have a wonderful, loving, God-fearing husband if it weren't for my in laws. And I wouldn't have ever enjoyed the peanut butter and jelly time dance or "Walk it Out" if it weren't for my nieces.
17. My mom who has sacrificed a lot the past few years for my sister, brother and me.
18. All the soldiers who risk their lives daily for our freedoms

The list could go on and on... It is amazing how fast you can think of things to be thankful of... you just have to change your perspective. So the next time that you are angry at your teenager for playing video games instead of listening to you... stop and take a moment to be thankful that they are with you at that moment. When your mom starts telling you the same story ten times because she doesn't remember telling you, just smile and be thankful that she still wants to talk to you and that you have the opportunity to listen. When your boss irritate you, be thankful you still have a job.