Monday, March 30, 2009
This is a long car ride Dad...
So today I heard something on the radio that brought that point home again. This whole ordeal is like a car ride....and God is in the front seat driving. I let him sit there a long time ago... and He has taken me to some really exciting places... but it feels like right now, we are on a cross country trip... and I'm the little kid in the backseat saying "ARE WE THERE YET?" "HOW ABOUT NOW?" "I HAVE TO PEE...I'M HUNGRY... I WANT TO GET OUT... NOW" Haha. And He just looks in the mirror and smiles reassuringly..... or He just tells me "Not yet, listen to the music and look out the window" like my parents used to tell me. I'm trying really hard to just enjoy where I'm at... and I am... but being the planner that I am, I want to know where we are going, when we are going to be there and what we are going to do when we get there. Yes, I'm one of those pain in the butt kids. But I'm learning to just be content... I mean, I don't want God to use the "DON'T MAKE ME STOP THIS CAR" threat. I always hated that one. But of course, it did make me stop whining.
So I'm going to be content with just riding in the car... enjoying the time with God and enjoying the scenery. :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
"I dreamt of a wedding of elaborate elegance. A church filled with flowers, friends and beautiful music. I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for. He said one that would make me his wife."

Weddings during football season would have to take place during the week.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on an elegant reception site, the reception would be held at Hooters.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Food for Thought
I will occassionally watch Unwrapped on the Food Network where Marc Summers (yes, the host from Double Dare!) goes around and tells us how certain foods are made. I never realized how many cool machines there are out there. But I realized this weekend why they invent machines like that... because there are certain repetitive tasks that you realize "there's got to be an easier way to do this" I just wish I could invent one of those "make your life easier" machines... maybe it'd help my finances!
Anyway, this weekend at my grandmothers, my uncles heated up some maple syrup sugary mess... and then poured it into a freezing pan to cool it off and instructed me to pull it into taffy. Hmm, I thought that stuff only happened at the beach. I was in the mountains... with nothing else to do.... so I watched them and it intrigued me, so I thought I'd try. Two days later, my fingers are still aching. Now, don't get me wrong, I like taffy... but after an hour of standing over the stove, preparing the cold pan and then spending 15 minutes pulling each tiny peice..... uhhh, not sure if it's worth all of that. It's no wonder that someone made a machine to pull the stuff.
Haha, or if you've ever wondered where utensils came from... try eating with chopsticks, or go to one of those Medieval Times theatres. Someone else had some tired fingers :)
Strange food combinations always make me wonder too... who ever thought to put those things together? Today, Russ tells me that he ate a peanut butter and egg sandwich... as in fried eggs (not that any other kind of egg would sound good either)....... I think he's gone absolutely crazy.... or maybe he was just really starving. He says it was delicious. Not sure I'll be trying that one. A lady at work said they had never seen anyone eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich before they saw me eat one... I thought that was pretty normal. Wait until I tell her about peanut butter and egg. Actually, I remember a long time ago when my mom had me try peanut butter and pickle sandwiches... it actually wasn't bad.... maybe the egg wouldn't be all that terrible. And Russ' mom eats Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise sandwiches... not sure about that one either.
Some other crazy food stuff I've seen or heard of... that are legal... and found in America:
Pickled Eggs... yummy, but really, who thought of that one?
Hamburger and Eggs... I might try this before PB and eggs
Waffles and Fried Chicken
Hot Dogs topped with coleslaw... I had never seen this until I moved South
Salt on Bananas, Canteloupe or Watermelon
Cheese and Jelly Sandwiches - Guy Fieri did a show on this one time... apparently it's not bad, but it still is strange to me. But, I guess people eat grapes and cheese? Why not add bread.
Coffee and Salt
Chocolate in Chili... tried this one... it's a winner. Make sure its dark, unsweetened
Strawberries and Balsamic Vinegar... this is another one of my favorites. I was mad at Russ one night for ruining strawberries with vinegar... little did I know just how good it was!
Cottage Cheese and Apple Butter
Beets and Bleu Cheese
Anyway, that is my crazy and random thought for the day... off to eat my stuffed peppers. Who ever thought of stuffing peppers? I'll have to thank them :) And I'll go ahead and thank Pillsbury for inventing cookie dough in a 5 pound bucket ready to eat :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Busy Bee
But the world of our wedding has been busy too! I finally bought my shoes and they should be here anyday now! I love buying shoes, but I have to say that trying to find a cute pair of wedding shoes has not been so much fun. Thank goodness for DSW though :) I kept myself safe and just shopped online versus going to the monstrous warehouse where there are enough shoes for me to wear a different pair each day of my life. I did however end up buying another pair of shoes, even by just going on the internet. But only because they were $4 and super cute. At least thats how they looked online... we'll see when they get here. haha.
Secondly, we finally picked a place for our rehearsal dinner. Glory Hallelujah. This little event has caused oh so many fights. (Yes, even the green bean fight) The location has been the big issue. We really wanted to have it on campus... at the music hall, where we actually met. Didn't work... you had to know special people. We don't.
Then we went for the Italian restaurant across the street.... which didn't meet the standards of some. Then it was suddenly put at the Gingerbread House, where the reception is. This is where my Bridezilla moment came into play. I refused to have the rehearsal dinner and the reception at the same place. Seems petty, I know, but I wasn't willing to do it. I've been pretty accomodating and compromised a lot, but I wasn't doing this. I get one Bridezilla moment :) But Russ, being the amazing man that he is, went out on his own and found a new place that we hadn't looked at before. It's beautiful, close by, available and it's OURS! Check it out....
And finally, today, I am going to pick up my dress! I'm a little nervous about it.... and trying to brainstorm where I am going to put it... Especially when Russ comes to visit at Easter. It's like trying to hide an elephant in a bat cave. haha. Oh well, I'll figure it out.
Only two months, three weeks and two days!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Dr. Seuss Wedding?
Pastor: Will you answer me right now These questions, as your wedding vow?
Groom: Yes, I will answer right now Your questions as my wedding vow.
Pastor: Will you take her as your wife? Will you love her all your life?
Groom: Yes, I take her as my wife, Yes, I'll love her all my life.
Pastor: Will you have, and also hold Just as you have at this time told?
Groom: Yes, I will have, and I will hold,Just as I have at this time told, Yes, I will love her all my life As I now take her as my wife.
Pastor: Will you love through good and bad? Whether you're happy or sad?
Groom: Yes, I'll love through good and bad, Whether we're happy or sad, Yes, I will have and I will hold Just as I have already told, Yes, I will love her all my life,Yes, I will take her as my wife!
Pastor: Will you love her if you're rich? Or if you're poor, and in a ditch?
Groom: Yes, I'll love her if we're rich, And I will love her in a ditch, I'll love her through good times and bad, Whether we are happy or sad, Yes, I will have, and I will hold(I could have sworn this has been told!) I promise to love all my life This woman, as my lawful wife!
Pastor: Will you love her when you're fit,And also when you're feeling sick?
Groom: Yes, I'll love her when we're fit, And when we're hurt, and when we're sick, And I will love her when we're rich And I will love her in a ditch And I will love through good and bad, And I will love when glad or sad, And I will have, and I will hold Ten years from now a thousandfold, Yes, I will love for my whole life This lovely woman as my wife!
Pastor: Will you love with all your heart? Will you love till death you part?
Groom: Yes, I'll love with all my heart From now until death do us part, And I will love her when we're rich, And when we're broke and in a ditch, And when we're fit, and when we're sick, (Oh, CAN'T we get this finished quick?) And I will love through good and bad, And I will love when glad or sad, And I will have, and I will hold, And if I might now be so bold, I'll love her my entire life, Yes, I WILL take her as my wife!
Pastor: Then if you'll take her as your wife, And if you'll love her all your life, And if you'll have, and if you'll hold, From now until the stars grow cold, And if you'll love through good and bad,And whether you're happy or sad, And love in sickness, and in health, And when you're poor, and when in wealth, And if you'll love with all your heart, From now until death do you part, Yes, if you'll love her through and through, Please answer with these words:
Pastor and Groom: I DO!
Pastor: You're married now! So kiss the bride, But please, do keep it dignified.
No worries, I got no inspiration from those vows will NOT rhyme... even though I am the rhyming queen.
I do have my vows written and there is one funny part that'll help me get through them without crying. :) Now I have to work on the readings... hmmmm.... maybe we could read a Dr. Seuss book?

Saturday, March 14, 2009
I'm getting married!
Dad asked me when we first got engaged if I ever wondered if Russ was the right one. And I didn't even have to think about it... I said no. But this week, to be honest, the question crossed my mind. So today I went through some pictures of Russ and I... reliving the times when we've been together since we can't be right now. And those pictures helped me remember that I'm definitely not afraid of that. Russ is caring, he loves me for who I am (even when I'm as crazy as can be), he is passionate about his job, he is great with kids, loves people, loves God, makes me laugh when I need it the most, is my tower of support when I need it, he cooks with me, he cooks for me, he cleans with me, he acts silly with me and makes messes with me, he sings at the top of his lungs in the car, he sings sweet songs to me, he makes me want to be a better person.... and he is going to be a wonderful husband.
Like I said, I think the problem is that I see myself getting old now. I really can remember the first day of kindergarden.... and it doesn't feel like its been 20 years. I feel like if I blink, I'm going to be having kids. Then if I blink again, those kids will be graduating high school and getting married themselves. That makes me feel old. And that scares me.
But I'm putting it behind me. I'm ready for the next stage of my life... even though it is coming fast. I'm going to cherish every moment until the wedding... the next chapter of my life... and I can't wait to make more memories with Russ. :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This week's resolutions
I really like the way the message has translated this verse. It really spoke a lot to me this week. I have been insanely busy at work the past two weeks and things with the wedding are REALLY picking up. Needless to say, my nerves have been worn out. And unfortunately for Russ this week, he has been the recipient of my "snappings" :( We've had some really silly "fights" this week... I mean, fights over green beans silly. hahaha, yes was definitely a fight to put in the book of our relationship history. We can both laugh at it now, but my words certainly weren't uplifting.
I've always always always said that I won't let my work take over my life. But unfortunately, that is a lot easier said than done. Most of the times, I'm successful. But then these huge "important" deadlines come in and I feel that I have to be 100% committed or the world is going to end. It's really not. So my first resolution is to stop letting the urgent crowd out the important. And make sure I don't let my stress build up in me to the point that I hurt others.
My next resolution sort of goes with that, but it hit me through a totally different avenue.
Over the past few months, I've had the chance to drive through a not so great area of town when coming home on the backroads. Everytime I go through there, whether it is nice or it is freezing, there are tons of people just walking. Not for exercise, they are obviously walking to get to where they need to go. Some are carrying books, some are carrying groceries, some are toting kids around with strollers loaded full of stuff. It is in a populated part of town, where you can just walk to places... but I know I sure wouldn't. My lazy self would go get in my car (especially when its freezing cold) and I would drive the three tenths of a mile to the grocery store.So last night I'm sitting in traffic and coming the other way is this man on a bike. When he gets close, I can see he is probably in his 50's and his face is filthy. He has a construction hard hat on and a backpack... and he looks utterly exhausted. But he was pedaling as hard as he could to get up the hill and to wherever he was going. Who knows where he came from, there aren't construction places or even places he'd be working looking like that for miles... and who knows where he was going. But right then and there, I said a prayer for him... that whatever hard times he is facing would bring him closer to the Lord... then I thanked God for all that I have... most of which I take for granted. I take my car for granted... the one that drives me half a mile or halfway across the country... for the warm house I knew I had to come home to.... for the job that has been stressing me out so much. I take my family for granted... that they are always going to be there... but we aren't guaranteed another day. I take the food on my table for granted... a lot of people these days don't have it.
So my second resolution is to become more grateful/thankful and to try and lift people up who need it. That guy on that bike sure looked like he could've used a "Jesus loves you"
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Back to Reality
This is where we've decided we want to honeymoon. Isn't it fabulous? My Nikon is jumping for joy at this one. Russ had his finance class researching budget honeymoon spots... something tells me this isn't budget.
Since things are going to be really crazy with our jobs and Russ' required two week training that conveniently happens the day after our wedding and then football season, we aren't going to get to take a big honeymoon until next winter at the least. At first, I was a little bummed, but it's not so bad....I'm thinking that next winter when there is eight inches of snow on the ground, I'd love to be in Greece :) But anyway, enough with my daydreaming....
I called the dress shop today because I haven't heard a word from them since December and I was starting to wonder..... she kept me on hold for like 15 minutes... the store is not that big. When she came back, she didn't sound so good and I was a little worried that the dress hadn't been ordered. I held my breath.... and she said they've had it there since January 15th....!?!?! Super... thanks for calling me.
Ah, the joys of a wedding :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Registry Schmedistry
Now don't get me wrong, we've put a cheese grater... and even some cool measuring cups on our registry.... and I will be happy if someone buys them for us, but it still makes me laugh.
I guess maybe I'm old school and I feel like a registry is a little selfish. I felt selfish when I put stuff on our registry. It's like asking Santa Clause for the Christmas Barbie, a new pink bike and a dollhouse all in the same year. Plus, the coolest gifts were usually the ones that Santa thought of himself... not the ones I told him to buy. I think a gift should come from the heart of the person buying it... I guess thats my big problem.
Anyway, enough about our stinking registries. They are finished and I hope to never have to look at the Bed Bath and Beyond site again! (I did however learn a lot about the quality of different china, towels, flatware, knives........exciting stuff let me tell you)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Welcome to the World Of Blogging
There is no telling what I'll have to say on here, I couldn't pick just one subject. Over the next few months, it will most likely pertain to the wedding planning. And that'll be great for those of you who aren't able to make it... you can see the crazy details I've been spending all my time on! But there may be days that my philosophy side kicks in and has something to say. Or my little sister might say the simplest thing to me that really makes me wonder if she is really only 10 years old! But she is growing up so fast... it makes me feel old!
Anyway, now that I've wasted an hour setting this thing up, I'm going to go watch Dancing with the Stars and enjoy the rest of my evening! Stay tuned for more!