Saturday, March 21, 2009

Busy Bee

So, I haven't posted much this week, but it's been a crazy one! I was sick most of the week, just not feeling well. And things at work are busy as usual.

But the world of our wedding has been busy too! I finally bought my shoes and they should be here anyday now! I love buying shoes, but I have to say that trying to find a cute pair of wedding shoes has not been so much fun. Thank goodness for DSW though :) I kept myself safe and just shopped online versus going to the monstrous warehouse where there are enough shoes for me to wear a different pair each day of my life. I did however end up buying another pair of shoes, even by just going on the internet. But only because they were $4 and super cute. At least thats how they looked online... we'll see when they get here. haha.

Secondly, we finally picked a place for our rehearsal dinner. Glory Hallelujah. This little event has caused oh so many fights. (Yes, even the green bean fight) The location has been the big issue. We really wanted to have it on campus... at the music hall, where we actually met. Didn't work... you had to know special people. We don't.

Then we went for the Italian restaurant across the street.... which didn't meet the standards of some. Then it was suddenly put at the Gingerbread House, where the reception is. This is where my Bridezilla moment came into play. I refused to have the rehearsal dinner and the reception at the same place. Seems petty, I know, but I wasn't willing to do it. I've been pretty accomodating and compromised a lot, but I wasn't doing this. I get one Bridezilla moment :) But Russ, being the amazing man that he is, went out on his own and found a new place that we hadn't looked at before. It's beautiful, close by, available and it's OURS! Check it out....

And finally, today, I am going to pick up my dress! I'm a little nervous about it.... and trying to brainstorm where I am going to put it... Especially when Russ comes to visit at Easter. It's like trying to hide an elephant in a bat cave. haha. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

Only two months, three weeks and two days!

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