Friday, August 13, 2010

Breathing fire

I love my husband.  I really do.  But sometimes, it is fun to torture pester him.  I've had a few lessons thanks to two uncles and my dad, so I can be pretty good at it.  But this time, I didn't really mean it. 

The other night my poor hubby couldn't breath. His nostrils were so swollen, they had closed.  We had tried every medicine in the house.  Except one. I remembered that I picked up a bottle of this stuff for my allergy ridden man. 

It's called "Allergy Buster"  It looks promising, right?

Down in the lower left hand corner, you might notice the little red pepper.  Yep, it has capsaicin in it to help reduce the inflammation. Who in their right mind would try that?  Not me, but, I figured my tough man could handle it.  

He didn't even look at it, just squirted it right up there.  He was desperate.  And he trusted me.  Aw.  Poor guy.  Approximately .002765 seconds later, I wished I had my video camera ready to capture his eyes popping out of his head.  He let out quite the manly scream.  It was actually more like a lion's roar.  Then he looked at the bottle and said "DID YOU KNOW THIS HAS RED PEPPER IN IT?!"  I said "I might have seen that" and then I fell on the floor laughing for the next 20 minutes.  And then he gave me the "I'm going to get you back for this one look" But he won't... he loves me too much :D

** Don't report me for abuse, he WILLINGLY tried it again for the next three days, providing me plenty more laughing opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. that is HYSTERICAL! :-) (sorry Russ). I have horrible allergies, and when really desperate I eat banana peppers or wasabi. It opens up my nasal passages lickity split!
