Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 2 of Picture Madness

Day Two's assignment is: A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.

This one was hard. I had awesome friends through middle and high school, then we went to college and while we still stay in touch, we don't see each other as often or know every detail of each other's lives as we used to.

So, since it says the closest for the longest, I decided my dad was the best fit.  I'm daddy's girl.  Always have been, always will be.

Even when he shaves his head.

You can read all the mushy gushy stuff and see what he looks like WITH hair at my previous post about this wonderful man.  :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

30 Days of Fun :)

A friend posted this on Facebook and I decided since I have been very uninspired in my blog writing, I'd use this for the next month... or so :)  The idea is to just post a picture, but I think I can do better than that!

Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.

Look to your left for said picture of me :)   I assume the facts are to be about me... so here it goes.

10 "Little Known" Facts:

1.  I started college with a major in Youth Ministry. And to this day, I regret dropping it due to the opinions of a few.

2. I wish I could be a vegetarian. I have almost convinced myself that I could do it if I tried, but my other half keeps me from trying! :P

3. I had a slight case of the measles when I was a kid.   I got the MMR shot and it caused me to break out in awful itchy bumps.  In middle school.  I thought my life was going to end.  Luckily my mom let me stay home.  She's pretty cool.  OHHHHHH, hold that thought......

4.  My mom is pretty much awesome. The older I get, the awesome-er she gets :) 

5.  I can sign.  Sort of.  I get nervous when I have to use sign language though, so it doesn't LOOK like I know it! 

6.  At one point in my life, I knew how to play the piano, recorder, guitar and drums.  Nothing advanced.  We're talking Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb. 

7.  I moved 5 times before I graduated elementary school.  All that early moving experience paid off when it was time to pack up and go to and from college every year.  

8.  I don't make my bed everyday.  In fact, I might make it once a month.  I consider it my rebellious side.  HAHA. 

9.  I am a pickle snob.  While I will eat a pickle that is given to me, if I am buying for me, I get Claussen.  I hope I don't crave pickles while I am pregnant though because Claussen isn't the cheapest brand and they NEVER have coupons!

10. I hate the Swiffer and I think I'm the only person in America who does.  Seriously, I'd rather get down on my hands and knees than attempt to "clean" the floors using that stick and napkin.

Well, that's all folks.  Now you know everything there is to know about me ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Out of line

Forget Murphy's laws, I have started creating my own set of life laws that seem to only apply to me.

For example:

Kacey's law #927:  Every time the car needs an oil change, it "needs" something ELSE too. "Something else" is always much more expensive than an oil change.

Yep, it just proved itself true once again. And I even added a Rule 927B:"See Rule #927. Nine times out of ten, this will occur directly before or during a vacation."  Sigh.  Why couldn't I just get a small amount of the luck of the Irish from my mom's side of the family?

So, this time the "something else" was an alignment. The mechanic was trying to explain to me why I needed an alignment THAT day (at THAT shop).  He said "Ma'am (ya gotta love Southerners!) your car is really out of line.  It is wearing the tires out really fast and you are going to need new tires if you don't do this."    Ugh.

As I was waiting for them to align my car, I asked myself, if a car being out of alignment causes tires to wear out faster, "What happens when my LIFE isn't in line?

I can tell my car needs an alignment when it starts pulling to the side of the road and it takes more effort to control it and keep in on the straight path.  My life tends to be the same way.  I can tell that I'm off balance, or off track, when I get side-tracked from my vision and purpose.  I'm going full speed ahead, but I have put things on my path that cause me to veering off to the side of the road, trying to cover more ground, rather than just staying on MY path.

Every once in awhile, we as humans should be due for an "alignment check", a tune up, to make sure that the life we are living lines up with the life we wish and strive to live.  Do our words line up with our actions?  Do our actions line up with our values?  Does the way we spend our time line up with our priorities?  

If those things aren't lining up, we are veering off our path and wearing ourselves out!