We all have dreams in our life. We dream about getting our driver's license, going on our first date, graduating high school/college, getting married to the prettiest/richest woman/man, having lots of kids, dogs, cats, birds, etc. There are dreams planted in us. We were built for a purpose. (Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you... Before you were born, I set you apart." )
When you ask a little kid "What do you want to be when you grow up?", you always get fascinating answers. But ask some adults that same question and you'll usually be bored with their answer. Most likely they won't seem quite as excited as a five year old. Or they may not even have an answer. Somewhere between the years, the vision has been lost. But why?
Do we forget about them in our quest to earn a paycheck? In our money driven culture, I'm afraid too many people have let the pursuit of money ruin their pursuit of happyness.
Or do we just allow our dreams to fade away and write them off as being "impossible"? Do we believe that we aren't capable of accomplishing our dream? Part of that is truth -- we cannot accomplish things on our own. We need God to help us in accomplishing the dream. But we have to ask for it.
There is a story about a man who died and went to heaven. St. Peter met him at the gate and told him that he would take him to the place God had prepared for him. They passed street after street of big, beautiful mansions. The man got really excited, but they just kept walking. Finally, they stopped in front of a small, but livable house and St. Peter told him that this was his home. It wasn't a mansion, but the man was happy to just be in heaven.
However, as the man opened the door, he saw stacks and stacks of unopened boxes in his house. The man asked "What are these boxes for?". St. Peter replied "These are the gifts that God had for you while you were on Earth, but you never asked for them, so He never sent them"
Ouch. What gifts are waiting for you that you just haven't asked for? God has boxes filled with powers to conquer what you thought was impossible. So the task being impossible is no excuse.
Really, do you have an excuse? You can either spend your time making excuses or spend your time making a WAY. There is a quote that I love "The only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you can't have it"
So get out there and "Dream On" because you are never to old (or too young) to have big dreams.
Kacey its Katie well that post just gave me a boost for tomorrow, you always know what to do and what to say!