Monday, October 3, 2011

Third Time is the Charm

Well I submitted my THIRD resignation letter of the year today.  After three long months of commuting 90 miles one way and staying with friends, Coach and I have decided that it is not in the best interest of me or us.  While the opportunity seemed good, we feel that God has other (better) plans. 

While I wish I could say that I was going to stay at home and create everything that I've pinned on Pinterest, our bills require me to work. I am going back to a job that I never should have given up -- a job that never felt like "work".  I'm sure most people will think I'm crazy for giving up two really "great jobs" this year.  Unfortunately, the definition  of a good job seems to be one that provides benefits. Benefits might seem great, but after working a handful of jobs, I've come to realize that it is far more worth it to work at something you love doing. 

It seems that a majority of people work at jobs they hate and sacrifice their health, their family and their livelihood... all in pursuit of the American dream.  Well, I'm officially ending this pursuit in my life.  I've decided that life is too short to be doing anything else than what you love...


  1. Thank you, Kacey.
    We had actually discovered that in the last couple years, but has really hit home the last month.

  2. AMEN KACE!! That is what I told Stacy as we pursued the "American Dream" in buying this house when we were doing very well financially. The job I resigned from three weeks ago was a big risk considering we have to pay the mortgage but the culture of my job was changing drastically. My health was suffering and it became very mentally draining as well. Now I am feeling less stress and I am able now to focus on the things I love to do right now which I could not do before.I know that sometimes there will be no money involved but I believe the monetary aspect will come in to place down the road.

  3. Coming up on 8 months post "making the right decision", I can concur that money, benefits, housing, etc., are not everything. At times they aren't ANYTHING. Health is so much more important and ultimately happiness follows (although you may have to snag it and drag it along for awhile). May God richly bless you and Russ for making those "tough" but needed decisions. He will... we're proof positive.

  4. Thank you all for the encouragement! It wasn't an easy decision, but I am at complete peace with the new direction and excited to see what God has in store!

  5. I am learning the same thing!!
