Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All things new...

This could be my head.... I LOVE vegetables.  After reading a magazine today and in my question to try new, different and wonderful things......... I am wondering if I can convince the hubby to eat vegetarian for one week?  Actually it would be more like vegan since I can't have dairy or eggs.   Think I'll approach this at dinner tonight.  It's just one week. 

Something tells me he isn't going to be a big fan of this.  On second thought, maybe I'll just do it :)   With a backup stash of burgers in the freezer of course :P

And for the kindness of the day... it's a secret for this week.  :)   Secret kindnesses (is this a word???) are more fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. I could totally be a vegetarian. It's cooking for the meat-eaters in my life that keep me from trying. I hate cooking "more than one meal". Let me know how you feel after a week and how it went! I'm curious!
