Saturday, April 10, 2010


Okay, so for three days now, I've been itching to blog.  Why you ask? After spending the past week off work for Spring Break, I have had some time to reflect and I started something... NEW!  EXCITING! and.... REWARDING!

So what is this new and exciting thing?  I have decided that for one month, I am going to give back something to someone around me.  Why? To quote Former First Lady Barbara Bush "giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others." 

So often, we as humans get caught up in ourselves and forget that there is a whole world around us.  This isn't healthy.  We get so consumed in ourselves that our problems actually tend to appear worse to us because they are all that we think about.  And as Christians, this world is our mission field, so it is even more important for us to open our eyes to see the needs of others rather than just our needs.

I remember my chorus teacher giving us a lecture one time about giving back.  She said that we were all so self-absorbed and just took and took and took from her never thinking that she might need something in return.  She actually likened it to having 60 straws in her head sucking out the life from her and not having anything giving back.  She was a little upset, but it has stuck with me. 

So anyway, today marks my third day and I can already see that it is going to get harder as I get back into the daily grind. But I'm determined regardless!

Day 1 started on Thursday morning and it was SO easy.  As we were leaving Sheetz (wow, do I miss that place!), there was a man holding a very wordy sign that basically said he was homeless and in need of compassion.  So, I dug out two waters and a snack bar and had Russ run it to him at the stop light.  Easy-peesy! Day one - DONE! And the world felt like a happier place.

Day 2 was a little harder.  Friday morning we started out on our way home.  At our stop at Sheetz (yes, again!) I was determined to pay for someone's coffee.  But, as I got in line to pay for Russ', no one was behind me :(  As soon as I turned around to walk out the door, up walks a man with his coffee and donut.  But I didn't want to run and tackle him while he was paying.  I like to be unnoticed when doing these acts of kindness.  So, I went along determined to find something else. 

A few hundred miles later, we come to a toll booth.  Sweet!  One of my favorite things to do is pay for the car behind me.  BUT, once again, it wasn't meant to be.  The toll booth wasn't manned by an actual human. You had to throw your change into this bucket.  So I didn't think we could do it :(  I knew there was another toll coming up, so I didn't worry.  Guess what?  No car behind us in this one.  Alright, so apparently I wasn't meant to do any of those..... So I gave thanks to God for a beautiful day and a beautiful drive through the mountains of West Virginia and North Carolina.

BEAUTIFUL huh?  I think God deserved some thanks for some of those views!

So, Day 3.  I got up this morning and settled back into my routine of Saturday chores and grocery shopping, I wasn't sure how I was going to give back today.  But, it was easier than I thought.  I have been known to be a coupon fanatic.  As strolling through the grocery store, I gave a coupon to someone.  Only 60 cents, but hey, it was something! 

Even though it has only been three days, I am excited about what is next.  I know that I can't give a lot, but I can give a little to a lot of people in the next month.  I think it was Mother Teresa that said "If you can't feed one hundred, then just feed one".   I am really excited about the opportunities God is going to give me to give to others!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a great challenge! You'll have to give us an update by the end of the month! Praying God blesses you for all the things you've yet to do!
