Monday, May 3, 2010

Debit or Credit?

I'm about to vow to never ever ever get another credit card in my entire life.  I don't have many credit cards and the ones I have are only because I got some sort of discount or rewards by using them.  I pay them off every month.  So it's not like I'm in some sort of bad situation here.  BUT it seems that credit card companies are out to get people like me who just use their rewards and don't pay interest.

I had a payment from a new card due later this week.  I pay everything online, so I typed in the website I got with the bill only to get an invalid message.  Sweet.  So I used my "phone a friend lifeline" and called upon my trusty friend Mr. Google and found the site I was supposed to be at.  Great.  Oh wait, it seems that the information I entered doesn't match their records.  On the first, second, third, fourth or FIFTH time.   

 So, first thing this morning, I embark on a "Press every button on the phone 5 times before you can talk to someone" journey.   Ten minutes later, I explain to the lady that I cannot log-in pay the bill online.  She proceeds to discover that they have  my social security number in wrong. Easy fix, right?  Sure. She asks, "Would you like to make a payment over the phone?"  Knowing the schemes of these people I reply "Sure, but is that going to cost me?"  She said "Yes ma'am, but it is going to cost you if you log online too because you didn't make your payment at least 3 business days in advance of the due date."   Oh no.  Angry, frugal Kacey is out of her cage now.

If the due date is really 3 business days in advance, shouldn't THAT be the date on the bill?  And how can I pay 3 days in advance when your incorrect records kept me from logging in? 

Use a check you say?  Come to think of it, that is a great idea.  Next time I will and  even open your silly little card with 10,567 rules that come along with it. 

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