Friday, May 14, 2010

Random Thoughts of the week

It's Friday!  It has been such a crazy week that I thought I might give you a "Glimpse into my mind" to show you just how crazy I am!

On a trip to take back a REALLY overdue library book found hiding in the truck......Why is it called the LIbrary? They should really call it the truthbrary.  But that sounds too much like tooth fairy.  Maybe simply bookbrary would work?

While tidying up the bedroom......Why does Coach pile up his unfolded socks in a mountain beside the bed? 

The very next morning while watching husband get out of bed right onto said sock mountain as if it were a set of stairs.......I love my husband. :)

While responding to a friend's facebook question regarding scaring gnats off your computer screen with your mouse............ I still don't understand why we spell gnats this way.  Makes me want to say GAH-NATS.  And do gnats even have eyes? 
Watching two good family friends fight that C word - :(   Is it possible that one day we will look back on chemotherapy treatments and wonder just WHAT WERE WE THINKING?  

Reading that Southwest is coming to TWO cities in our state - HOORAY!  Cheap vacations!

Completely out of no where... Why is there no "extra medium" size? There is extra small and extra large... but someone missed extra medium.

During a small meltdown...Life stinks.  Giving up chocolate and cars stinks.  You stink.  I stink. (I'm happy to report that a couple of showers and time in the Word cured this stinking business!)

On answering the THIRD telemarketing call in one day.... Caller ID was such a great invention.  Why don't we have it? And do house phones have an "Ignore" function like cell phones?

Another great invention? The internet!  Just how in the world did I ever figure out things when I was a kid without the internet? 

After taking two amazing naps and missing it on the third day....WHY did we do away with nap time after Kindergarten?

On the SECOND trip to Walmart where the cash register breaks..... Alright God, I get it.  Patience.  I'll work on it......... later.... please? :)

While getting the mail...Why does the mailman always take forever to bring me something I'm waiting on, but brings the bills right on time?

Well folks... I think that about covers the "thought clouds" of this week along with the highs and lows this week has brought.  Next week's forecast?   Partly cloudy with a chance of meatballs. :D


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