Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Silly Boys... Shaving Cream isn't for spiders

My husband is soooo silly.  As I was taking a shower, I noticed a spot of blue foam in the corner of our shower.  My mind tried to figure out how that would happen to get wayyyyy up there. There was no way that our shower cleaner would spray way up there.  Besides, I don't think the cleaner is blue.  The only thing I knew that was blue was my shaving gel... 

Later, I asked my husband if he noticed the spot.  He said "Oh yeah, there was a spider in the corner, so I sprayed him with your shaving gel to trap him."

I can only imagine the fun a little "Mini Coach" will bring....


  1. (snicker...) Too funny!

  2. hey Kacey this is Katie i just wanted to know if the spider is/ or was trapped in there, if i were you i would have screamed i am really freaked out of spiders, and every Brenneman (you still count!)
