Friday, December 10, 2010

All you need is love

Glad they followed up the "hate" picture day with the positive opposite - A picture of something you love. 

I am having a hard time picking just one something.  SO here we go....  Warning:  this will be about the most random list of loved things you will ever see.

1. My car.  Love it.  It gets 36mpg.  Love it.  Love it.  Love it. 

2.  My warm, fuzzy robe and slippers.  Due to ridiculously high electricity costs here in the South, our heat stays on really low in the winter.  We keep it at 68 and turn it down to 63 at night (unless we have company).  So, in the morning, when I have to get out of my warm bed and trek around the 63 degree house, I LOVE my robe and slippers!  Now if I can just figure out how to wear them to work :)

3. In the warmer seasons, my love is....
Rita's Ice.  YUM.

4.  Chips and Guacamole.  Especially Chipotle's. 

5.  Flip Flops.  I seriously have a closet full of them.

6.  Blogs.  I like that blogs provide a free way for people to share their stories and experiences.  I follow a variety of blogs -- from everyday life randomness, to disability related, to frugal living to cooking. I have a lot of favorites, but I LOVE Cake Wrecks.  It's pretty much a guaranteed laugh.

These are the things I think of when I have to face those dreaded needles and hospitals :P

What are some of your favorite things?

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