Today's photo challenge is a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without. As you can guess from the title, I chose my sister, Katie.
Approximately 12 years ago, my brother and I were informed that we would be having a little sister in 3 months. At that point in time, I was a selfish teenager. The way I saw it, my life was just fine without her. I didn't want to imagine a life with a little sister. But you know, she kind of grew on me :) And I really couldn't imagine life without her now! She has provided me with great entertainment and countless stories to tell and to listen to. She makes me laugh by doing the silliest things. She continues to keep me young by informing me of the newest trends. She reminds me that my actions are always being watched by "little" eyes. She is another person in the world who loves me unconditionally. We could all use a few more of those loving people in our lives! Love ya girlie!
Your sister is truly a blessing and very funny!