Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Run, Run Rudolph...

WHEW!  These past few weeks have been CRAZZZZZZZY. Needless to say, I've been slack on my photo challenge.  Plus, I think my ADD has kicked in.  So I'm just going to knock this thing out right now.

Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die

Oh this could take ages. In college we had to create a list of 50 things we wanted to do before we turned 50.  A sort of "bucket list".  I wish I knew what had happened to it. I should sit down and write a new one because I've got a lot I want to accomplish!

I've always loved dolphins and would love to swim with dolphins!  Technically, I guess I have swam *with* dolphins before.  I've seen them just a couple of hundred of feet from the ocean.  But.... I want to TOUCH one.

I would also love to go for a ride in one of these:

Other things:  Visit the Grand Canyon.  See the Northern Lights.  Go to NY at Christmas time.  Okay, how about I just say "Visit all 50 states"?

On a less adventurous note, I'd also love to have a bundle of happy and healthy children and grandchildren before I die. Although, a bundle of children will probably bring about MANY adventures.

Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You

Children.  They just have a way about them. Children inspire me to make the world a better place for them, to let go of the things that really don't matter and cling to those that do, to be honest and sincere in my thoughts and actions, to have fun and not care what other people think of me and they inspire me to love one another and not hold grudges.

Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Since there is no definition of "recently" here, I'm going with this...

Marriage is a huge adjustment in life... even a year and a half later.

Day 18 - A Picture of Your biggest Insecurity

This one is hard to capture in a picture.  My biggest insecurity is that I won't be "good enough" for certain circumstances and life events.  But God conquers that mental block everyday for me :)

Day 19 - A Picture and a Letter
I really don't get this.  Am I supposed to write a letter?  I'm going Sesame Street with this....

The letter of the day is...........

Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel

Ahhhh... Tahiti.  But unless we win the lottery, I just have to dream.

Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget

Student loans.  Ugh.  If only forgetting them would make them go away.

Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at

Memorizing Scripture

Day 23 - A Picture of Your favorite Book

I can't choose a recent one, but this was hands down my favorite book as a child.

Day 24 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Change

Yep, I wish I could change the "change"

Day 25 - A Picture of Your day

Eek.  Not sure which day this was REALLY supposed to be.  I took lots of pictures yesterday, so I'm going with yesterday. 

We got the truck stuck in the snow.

Dad came to the rescue with hot ashes and we got out.

We left snowy Maryland and traveled ALL day long through snowy Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. 

Day 26 - A Picture of Something that means a lot to You

My salvation!

Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member

Day 28 - A Picture of Something You're Afraid of

I feel like the previous needle post was similar to this challenge...... but let me think.....

Death/Dying of myself and loved ones.  I know my destination, which gives me comfort, but the dying process itself..... well, scares me.

Day 29 - A Picture that can always make You :)

My husband as a cute little Newsie . HAHA. 

Day 30 - A Picture of someone You Miss

'Nuff said.

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