Thursday, April 14, 2011

That takes some Rizpah

When Christian women think of a woman role model in the Bible, they usually go straight to the Proverbs 31 woman.  While that woman has some serious qualities to be envious of, there are many other awe inspiring ladies in the Bible.  I recently studied a woman who I had never studied before...

Her name is Rizpah.  Her story is tragic, yet her character shines through.

Rizpah was one of King Saul's concubines.  At one point during his reign, Saul attempted to wipe out the entire population of Gibeonites who were living in Israel.  Because Joshua had promised protection to the Gibeonites, they were a little upset over this task and so was God.  Israel began experiencing a three year famine after the attempted annihilation. When King David came to rule, he attempted to make amends with the Gibeonites in hopes of ending the famine.   They called for the death Saul's sons -- two of those belonging to Rizpah.  Her two sons were put to death and left for the animals to devour.  Her sons were not given a proper burial, and momma was not going to settle for that.

Bless this momma's heart...instead of getting mad, bitter or depressed over the situation, she gets out her sackcloth and she stands on the mountaintop with her dead sons from approximately late April (during the barley harvest) to early October (when the rains come) to scare away the birds and the animals.

Think about that for a minute.  No shelter.  No companion.  Just her and God and two dead, rotting bodies.  FOR SIX MONTHS. She couldn't have gotten much sleep because the animals come out at night.   Can you imagine being outside in the dead of night and turning around to see glimmering eyes and a set of chompers staring at you in the face, ready to devour your two sons? That takes some... "Rizpah"

This mother fiercely loved her children and faithfully stood by their side until they were given a proper burial.  She fought for what was right.  And she won!  Not only were her sons given a proper burial, but the other five men were as well.  Her faithfulness paid off.

Our faithfulness through tough situations will also be rewarded.  God knows your situation and He will provide... in His time.  We just have to be faithful and leave the rest up to Him.  As Mother Teresa said "I am not called to be successful, I am called to be faithful."

May we find the love, courage and tenacity of Rizpah to be faithful through our toughest situations.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I've never paid attention to that story before. I'm gonna have to get out my Bible tonight! Thanks for the new look at these verses!
