Monday, May 17, 2010

Fire in the... foot

Last fall, our landlord came over and kindly spread some grass seed on our dirt lot.  Oh how I wish I could have stopped him.  I enjoyed not having to purchase a lawnmower, store a lawnmower and of course, RUN a lawnmower.

BUT, spring has come and the grass is.... well, knee high.   Needless to say, Coach and I are now the proud new owners of a little green lawnmower.

As we embarked upon our very first lawn-mowing experience as a married couple (how exciting does THAT sound?), I quickly decided I would use the rake and Coach could handle the mean green lawn machine.  So I started raking.  And raking.  And raking.  (Got to love that southern Magnolia tree that sheds 2,485 leaves in one day.)  Oh yes, and I was in flip flops.  Silly me, I know.  My dad taught me better.  Anyway, I got so excited about raking that I even decided to be a nice resident and rake off the sidewalk so the walking community did not have to climb a mountain of leaves on their path.  But, I had to watch the road more than the rake to make sure no cars were coming down the street.  And I became unaware of these small little critters called....

FIRE ANTS.  Oh. My. Stars.  I've never seen these lovely inhabitants of the underground until moving to the South.  But they sure are taking a liking to me -- they've taken over our whole yard.  The rain today washed the mounds away or I'd take a picture of how ginormous these ant "hills" are.  It actually amazes me that a little tiny itsy bitsy being can create such a structure.  But it's not just one little ant that does all that work, it's tens of thousands of them.  Ants remind us that if we all stick together, we can accomplish great things. (A lesson from ants we could all stand to be reminded of...)

Anyway, I know to stay away from these fire ants.  They are very territorial.  They don't like for you to come near their homes or even their paths.  But since I was paying attention to the cars and leaves, I didn't realize that I disturbed a pile.  Oh boy.  I felt the sting in my foot immediately.  I dropped the rake, kicked off my flip flop and did the fire ant dance.  I found the little stinker and brushed him off, only to already see his little red mark.  

This ended my raking fun and I came in and put some Neosporin on it like I know Dr. Mom would've instructed me to do. So far, so good. Well, in just a few short hours there were two little pimple-y looking things on my REALLY itchy foot.  I thought, "Hey, I'll pop them and it'll stop itching"   BAD PLAN.  Dr. Mom would not have advised this.  My foot turned purple and HURT and those little "pimple things" did NOT pop.  SCCCHHHUGAR BOOGER!   

So guess what?  Today, my foot started itching REAL bad at work.  I took my shoe and sock off and saw two BIG pimple looking things.  I scratched, but that didn't help.  So, with every bit of human being that I could've been at that moment, I attempted to pop it again. Yup, that's right.  I'm really smart.  Guess what?  It still didn't pop and it looked REALLY purple, hurt a lot and got REALLY hard.


I got to thinking about this whole thing though...  How often do we humans do this sillyness?  We don't watch where we are going or what we are doing and find ourselves being "attacked".   We do a silly dance, get the problem off and then try to fix ourselves.  We think we know what will work best.... and we don't.  And when it doesn't work, we try to fix it again.  Usually we only make the problem worse.  It's like trying to get really sticky gum off your finger.  It just keeps getting worse and worse until well, you have to cut your finger off.  Just kidding :P  

We have to realize that our way is not THE way.  That there is a better way -- through Jesus Christ!  Let Him clean up the mess -- He is better than the quilted quicker picker upper, Mr. Clean, the first aid cream, the band aid or anything else you could find in your cabinets!

2 Corinthians 7:1 - Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Random Thoughts of the week

It's Friday!  It has been such a crazy week that I thought I might give you a "Glimpse into my mind" to show you just how crazy I am!

On a trip to take back a REALLY overdue library book found hiding in the truck......Why is it called the LIbrary? They should really call it the truthbrary.  But that sounds too much like tooth fairy.  Maybe simply bookbrary would work?

While tidying up the bedroom......Why does Coach pile up his unfolded socks in a mountain beside the bed? 

The very next morning while watching husband get out of bed right onto said sock mountain as if it were a set of stairs.......I love my husband. :)

While responding to a friend's facebook question regarding scaring gnats off your computer screen with your mouse............ I still don't understand why we spell gnats this way.  Makes me want to say GAH-NATS.  And do gnats even have eyes? 
Watching two good family friends fight that C word - :(   Is it possible that one day we will look back on chemotherapy treatments and wonder just WHAT WERE WE THINKING?  

Reading that Southwest is coming to TWO cities in our state - HOORAY!  Cheap vacations!

Completely out of no where... Why is there no "extra medium" size? There is extra small and extra large... but someone missed extra medium.

During a small meltdown...Life stinks.  Giving up chocolate and cars stinks.  You stink.  I stink. (I'm happy to report that a couple of showers and time in the Word cured this stinking business!)

On answering the THIRD telemarketing call in one day.... Caller ID was such a great invention.  Why don't we have it? And do house phones have an "Ignore" function like cell phones?

Another great invention? The internet!  Just how in the world did I ever figure out things when I was a kid without the internet? 

After taking two amazing naps and missing it on the third day....WHY did we do away with nap time after Kindergarten?

On the SECOND trip to Walmart where the cash register breaks..... Alright God, I get it.  Patience.  I'll work on it......... later.... please? :)

While getting the mail...Why does the mailman always take forever to bring me something I'm waiting on, but brings the bills right on time?

Well folks... I think that about covers the "thought clouds" of this week along with the highs and lows this week has brought.  Next week's forecast?   Partly cloudy with a chance of meatballs. :D


Monday, May 10, 2010


I recently read a very sad story about this girl who was killed by a crocodile while vacationing on a beach off the coast of India.  Just four years ago, the same family lost their other daughter due to a tragic rock climbing accident.   One of the family members was interviewed for the article and was upset that there weren't any warnings of the crocodiles in the water.  The family member said that the girl would not have been out there if there were warnings because she was particularly careful and didn't take many risks after her sisters death.

I can relate.... there is very little in life that I have ever been reckless over. I usually think about the pros, cons and everything in between of every single decision. I usually make the "common sense" decision after weighing pros and cons, looking at it from every angle and dreaming up every what if scenario possible.  Sometimes, this is a good quality -- like when it comes to money or marriage.  You don't want to be reckless with either.  Another thing we don't want to be reckless with?  Words.

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" (Proverbs 12:18 NIV)

The tongue has the power to heal or to hurt.  Too often, people use their power to hurt rather than to heal.   I like to think I have pretty tough skin after being taught to toughen up from my dad, two uncles and brother.  It takes a lot to hurt my feelings... but people have done it.  And I'm sure I've done it.  I tend to be sarcastic a lot.  Some people get it and some people don't.  The ones that don't, I usually hurt their feelings unintentionally.  I've eased off the sarcasm a bit and try to keep my sarcasm at bay when I sense that people may get their feelings hurt.  Is it easy?  NO.  But I've got to do it.  I don't want to use my tongue as a sword... but rather a salve.

Okay, so obviously it's not always good to be reckless.  But sometimes I think it is beneficial to be reckless.  How about when Peter stepped right out of the boat on the lake and trusted that he was going to be able to walk to Jesus on the water.  I've tried to put myself in that situation many times.  I'm pretty sure I would have just sat there in amazement.  But you wouldn't have seen me getting out of that boat.  I might have thought about it.  But then I would've weighed the what ifs and kept myself right in that HAPPY, WARM, FLOATING boat!  Peter didn't even think about it.  He just did it. 

I think Peter was reckless in his faith.  That sounds like it could be bad... but I think it is something that more of us should probably be.  Instead of thinking "What if this person doesn't want to hear about Jesus?", we should just let that up to God to handle.  Instead of thinking "That person is mean and nasty and unreachable", we should reach out... and leave the rest to God.  Why?  Well because....  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9.

So go forth... and be reckless :)

Rough Drafts

So after my last post, I decided to start some drafts of things that were on my mind to blog about... with the intention of coming back to them.  Well  I started a post dedicated to the moms and women in my life who have impacted me. But then, I ended up posting it it on Facebook instead because some people who have impacted me greatly don't even know I have a blog....and some... are a little technology-challenged and can't get to it :D 

But now, it is just sitting in my drafts pile waiting to be published... so here it is.  Now... let's see if I can't finish some of these other lingering thoughts :)

In honor of my mom, this Mother's Day note is going out a little.... well, late :)  (See the clock reference in the previous post!)

First of all, I'd like to recognize all of my lady friends and family members.... you ALL amaze me. I think you are all beautiful, strong, remarkable women. You might not take care of children, but you take care of pets, other people's children, husbands, boyfriends, neighbors.... and on and on. It is the nature of a woman to nurture, nourish, love and protect. The world is a better place because of YOU!

To my Church Momma's - There are too many of you to even name. You may not realize it, but I do consider you all to be second mom's to me. Over the past 15 years, many of you have provided me with a listening ear or guidance in some difficult and stressful times. I've watched as you all have guided your marriages and/or your families and I admire each of you for your godliness. Thank you for being strong role models... for taking the time and always listening, and always guiding me back to the One who can help me through it all!

To my work Momma's - Due to my frequent change of jobs, there are a lot of you all too :) You all too have listened and supported me through some tough times... or tough job assignments. Thank you for listening and supporting me and helping me grow. I MISS YOU ALL!!!

My other New Market mom, Sue - You are definitely another second mom in my life. And a taxi service... I can't count how many times you took me to or picked me up from school! You took me under your wing as your own. You endured many sleepovers that are some of my best memories from high school. You provided me with a second home full of love and laughter... and a best friend :) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Aunt MJ - The best aunt a girl could ask for (and not just because you introduced me to Coach!) I feel like you've always treated Khris and I like you would your own! Your silliness, love and spontaneity are always appreciated. Every time I see a Dr. Doolittle movie, I think of you. HAHAHA. Thank you for always listening, loving and always smiling! And for helping to keep all those Brenneman boys straight :)

Meme - You raised three strong men, one of whom I am proud to call my dad and the other two who I'm (usually... hahaha) proud to call my uncles. I don't know where I'd be without any of them or without you. You taught me how to sew, to bake amazing chocolate chip cookies, to cross stitch, to garden and to can. Not many girls can say that! And you made the most amazing chocolate milkshakes ever! And you still make the best potato salad, macaroni salad, bread, gravy......... I could go on and on. Thank you for all the nourishment and love. You may be short, but you are one strong woman and I LOVE YOU!

To my mom by marriage - Thank you for raising such a loving, strong and godly son. Not only that, but thank you for accepting me into the family as if I were one of your own. I admire you for everything you've done and continue to do for the family. I am blessed to have such a sweet, caring Mother-in-Law and was thankful to be able to share this weekend with you :)

And last but not least, to my wonderful mom and friend - I am so blessed to have such a strong, beautiful, amazing mom. I've watched as you've struggled and made sacrifices for me, Khris and Katie and I am amazed at how much you continue to give and give. Even when we don't give back! You are one strong woman who wears so many hats. Not only are you a mom, but a friend, a housekeeper (sometimes an OCD housekeeper...), a chef, a taxi driver, a doctor, a psychologist, a preacher/teacher/lecturer,
a hair stylist, a private investigator, a cheerleader (the nonpeppy kind),a plumber ( thanks to Katie, HAHA!), and of course... an automobile expert (well, right behind dad!) Thank you for everything you've done and everything you've given me. I know there are a few gray hairs with my name on them somewhere... I wish I could be there to give you a back rub or fix you dinner to compensate for them, but know that I love you all the way from South Carolina. XOXO! LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

So much to blog about...

So little time!  I feel like I need this clock these days... but then I realize that is my MOTHER'S clock. And I can't possibly be turning into her :P


I keep thinking of all these fun things to blog about, but I don't ever get the time to do it.  And then I forget.  Now I'm remembering why I never kept a very good journal............

Monday, May 3, 2010

Debit or Credit?

I'm about to vow to never ever ever get another credit card in my entire life.  I don't have many credit cards and the ones I have are only because I got some sort of discount or rewards by using them.  I pay them off every month.  So it's not like I'm in some sort of bad situation here.  BUT it seems that credit card companies are out to get people like me who just use their rewards and don't pay interest.

I had a payment from a new card due later this week.  I pay everything online, so I typed in the website I got with the bill only to get an invalid message.  Sweet.  So I used my "phone a friend lifeline" and called upon my trusty friend Mr. Google and found the site I was supposed to be at.  Great.  Oh wait, it seems that the information I entered doesn't match their records.  On the first, second, third, fourth or FIFTH time.   

 So, first thing this morning, I embark on a "Press every button on the phone 5 times before you can talk to someone" journey.   Ten minutes later, I explain to the lady that I cannot log-in pay the bill online.  She proceeds to discover that they have  my social security number in wrong. Easy fix, right?  Sure. She asks, "Would you like to make a payment over the phone?"  Knowing the schemes of these people I reply "Sure, but is that going to cost me?"  She said "Yes ma'am, but it is going to cost you if you log online too because you didn't make your payment at least 3 business days in advance of the due date."   Oh no.  Angry, frugal Kacey is out of her cage now.

If the due date is really 3 business days in advance, shouldn't THAT be the date on the bill?  And how can I pay 3 days in advance when your incorrect records kept me from logging in? 

Use a check you say?  Come to think of it, that is a great idea.  Next time I will and  even open your silly little card with 10,567 rules that come along with it. 

Afraid of the Dark

A few days ago a friend asked "Just when do kids outgrow being afraid of the dark?"  I laughed and said "Don't worry, it won't be too much longer."  But then I got to thinking....

I am STILL afraid of the dark.  No, I don't leave a nightlight on when I go to bed.  But I do have an overactive imagination when walking outside in the dark.  Either that or I've watched too many episodes of 48 Hour Mystery, Law and Order and Forensic Files.  I imagine people hiding behind bushes, trees, cars and houses and me having to use my mad ninja skills to scare them away.  I don't find a corner and cry in it when I'm in the dark, but I do come up with some pretty fascinating scenarios in my mind that bring out the goosebumps!

Truth is, I've always been afraid of some sort of darkness.  As it is with most small children, I didn't like to wake up in the middle of the night in pitch black dark.  Especially after a bad dream. We had to have a light in the hallway so I could find my way to safety.  As a teenager, I was afraid of this darkness called" the future". Trying to decide which college to go to, what to major in.  The way I saw it those were big, life-changing decisions. What if I chose the wrong school or the wrong major and messed God's whole plan up? I didn't know what I wanted to do and the rest of the world seemed to be able to see their way through the dark forest of the future.  To be honest, the future STILL scares me.  It's still dark in front of me.  I don't know what it holds.  It is unknown, unable to be seen and/or prepared for, and therefore, a little scary.  I know that God has a plan and it's all under His control, which helps me get sleep at night.  And He lights up enough of the path for me not to stumble.  I know it is best this way, but some days I just wish I could see the whole path.

Psalm 18:28-2

You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.With your help I can advance against a troop;with my God I can scale a wall.

Isaiah 42:16 - I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

John 8:12- When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

Having faith is taking steps even when you cannot see the whole staircase....I will continue to move so I do not become "paralyzed" by not going anywhere. These verses remind me that I don't walk in complete darkness -- even though some days it seems like I am stumbling around, feeling my way through and walking around in circles.  But I'm not -- I've got Jesus' light!  Thank you Jesus for being my "flashlight" in a world that continues to become darker everyday with sin!