Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Run, Run Rudolph...

WHEW!  These past few weeks have been CRAZZZZZZZY. Needless to say, I've been slack on my photo challenge.  Plus, I think my ADD has kicked in.  So I'm just going to knock this thing out right now.

Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die

Oh this could take ages. In college we had to create a list of 50 things we wanted to do before we turned 50.  A sort of "bucket list".  I wish I knew what had happened to it. I should sit down and write a new one because I've got a lot I want to accomplish!

I've always loved dolphins and would love to swim with dolphins!  Technically, I guess I have swam *with* dolphins before.  I've seen them just a couple of hundred of feet from the ocean.  But.... I want to TOUCH one.

I would also love to go for a ride in one of these:

Other things:  Visit the Grand Canyon.  See the Northern Lights.  Go to NY at Christmas time.  Okay, how about I just say "Visit all 50 states"?

On a less adventurous note, I'd also love to have a bundle of happy and healthy children and grandchildren before I die. Although, a bundle of children will probably bring about MANY adventures.

Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You

Children.  They just have a way about them. Children inspire me to make the world a better place for them, to let go of the things that really don't matter and cling to those that do, to be honest and sincere in my thoughts and actions, to have fun and not care what other people think of me and they inspire me to love one another and not hold grudges.

Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Since there is no definition of "recently" here, I'm going with this...

Marriage is a huge adjustment in life... even a year and a half later.

Day 18 - A Picture of Your biggest Insecurity

This one is hard to capture in a picture.  My biggest insecurity is that I won't be "good enough" for certain circumstances and life events.  But God conquers that mental block everyday for me :)

Day 19 - A Picture and a Letter
I really don't get this.  Am I supposed to write a letter?  I'm going Sesame Street with this....

The letter of the day is...........

Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel

Ahhhh... Tahiti.  But unless we win the lottery, I just have to dream.

Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget

Student loans.  Ugh.  If only forgetting them would make them go away.

Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at

Memorizing Scripture

Day 23 - A Picture of Your favorite Book

I can't choose a recent one, but this was hands down my favorite book as a child.

Day 24 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Change

Yep, I wish I could change the "change"

Day 25 - A Picture of Your day

Eek.  Not sure which day this was REALLY supposed to be.  I took lots of pictures yesterday, so I'm going with yesterday. 

We got the truck stuck in the snow.

Dad came to the rescue with hot ashes and we got out.

We left snowy Maryland and traveled ALL day long through snowy Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. 

Day 26 - A Picture of Something that means a lot to You

My salvation!

Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member

Day 28 - A Picture of Something You're Afraid of

I feel like the previous needle post was similar to this challenge...... but let me think.....

Death/Dying of myself and loved ones.  I know my destination, which gives me comfort, but the dying process itself..... well, scares me.

Day 29 - A Picture that can always make You :)

My husband as a cute little Newsie . HAHA. 

Day 30 - A Picture of someone You Miss

'Nuff said.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sisterly Love

Today's photo challenge is a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.  As you can guess from the title, I chose my sister, Katie. 

Approximately 12 years ago, my brother and I were informed that we would be having a little sister in 3 months.  At that point in time, I was a selfish teenager. The way I saw it, my life was just fine without her.  I didn't want to imagine a life with a little sister.  But you know, she kind of grew on me :)  And I really couldn't imagine life without her now! She has provided me with great entertainment and countless stories to tell and to listen to.   She makes me laugh by doing the silliest things.  She continues to keep me young by informing me of the newest trends.  She reminds me that my actions are always being watched by "little" eyes.  She is another person in the world who loves me unconditionally.  We could all use a few more of those loving people in our lives!  Love ya girlie!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Music to My ears

Today's challenge asks for a favorite band or artist.  Again, I don't have favorites, but I will limit myself to two today.  I listen to Christian music and Country music, so my favorite groups for each of those genre's are:


Anyone want to cast a vote on which group this is?

A group of rascals :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

All you need is love

Glad they followed up the "hate" picture day with the positive opposite - A picture of something you love. 

I am having a hard time picking just one something.  SO here we go....  Warning:  this will be about the most random list of loved things you will ever see.

1. My car.  Love it.  It gets 36mpg.  Love it.  Love it.  Love it. 

2.  My warm, fuzzy robe and slippers.  Due to ridiculously high electricity costs here in the South, our heat stays on really low in the winter.  We keep it at 68 and turn it down to 63 at night (unless we have company).  So, in the morning, when I have to get out of my warm bed and trek around the 63 degree house, I LOVE my robe and slippers!  Now if I can just figure out how to wear them to work :)

3. In the warmer seasons, my love is....
Rita's Ice.  YUM.

4.  Chips and Guacamole.  Especially Chipotle's. 

5.  Flip Flops.  I seriously have a closet full of them.

6.  Blogs.  I like that blogs provide a free way for people to share their stories and experiences.  I follow a variety of blogs -- from everyday life randomness, to disability related, to frugal living to cooking. I have a lot of favorites, but I LOVE Cake Wrecks.  It's pretty much a guaranteed laugh.

These are the things I think of when I have to face those dreaded needles and hospitals :P

What are some of your favorite things?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hate is such a strong word...

Except to display my affection for this...

Day 11's photo challenge is a picture of something you hate.  Yes, I HATE HATE HATE needles. Especially when they are taking blood.  In fact, looking at this picture has me ready to pass out right now.  Okay, so maybe it's more of a fear.  But my fear causes me to hate them.

Another thing I hate?  These places...

Hospitals.  Why you ask?  Well...........First, there are a lot of needles in these buildings.  Second, you rarely ever go for a good reason.  Third, the over sanitized smell makes me gag.  Fourth, there is a lot of waiting around.  Fifth, there are a lot of emotional, nervous, sick people. 

While I am grateful for doctors and nurses and the medical developments our country has, I have spent my share of time in hospitals and I have come to dislike them very much. 

Needless to say, between my hatred of needles and hospitals, I am very thankful God didn't call me to be a medical professional.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Odd Couple

Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with   - Well, I don't get to see her much anymore, but she wins this award for sure.   One time, we were known to get into a cardboard box and bobsled down a set of steps.  :)  And here, we got into a friendly food fight.    Love you roomie!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Like OMG(osh)!  Sorry, I couldn't help the teenage expressions.

So, let me start of by saying that last night, I decided that Facebook was taking up too much of my time and I banned myself from it for awhile.  I'm still not sure what I'm thinking because I'm having serious withdrawal right now.  This afternoon I realized that my list of photo challenges was on Facebook  Oops.  But I held true to my word... I just found a 30 day challenge on Google.  It looks similar.  So this is the one I'm using.

According to the list, Day 9's challenge is a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Easy peasy.  Cliche.  But easy.  Hands down Jesus has gotten me through the most.  I have some amazing friends here on Earth who have been there through the ups and downs, but Jesus has walked beside me for much longer.  He is the bestest friend.  He has listened to me and guided me.  He has stood behind me and pushed me out of my comfort zone.  He has pulled me out of places I should have never been. He has picked me up off the ground carried me through things I didn't think I'd make it through.  

I don't really have a picture of Jesus, but here is an artist's depiction.

Cast your cares on Him, He cares for you. Put your trust in Him, He's faithful and true. Bring your burdens to the Lord, He will carry you

Monday, December 6, 2010

A laugh a day

FINALLY an easy photo challenge.

Day 8 - A photo that makes you laugh

I have a gazillion of this.  (Hey, did you know gazillion is really a word/number?!  I was ready for the little red line to pop up under it, but it didn't!)

Anyway, back to funny pictures.  Most of my funny pictures are of my family.  Like these...

My favorite picture

Two gooftballs

This is a little game we play on car rides.  We pretend to run past the cars we are passing.  Or if a car goes past us, we run in slow motion.  Much more fun than the license plate game!
Giving mom a "silly shot" My brothers face and shaved head cracks me up.

Hmmm, now that I look at all these, the common denominator is my goofy brother.  He certainly has a way to make people smile.  I have a good one of my mom, but the problem is, she is the keeper of all embarrassing photos of me.  So you'll just have to believe me that she is funny too :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Puppy Love

These photo challenges really have me thinking hard....

Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush

Well, since I didn't grow up in such a digital/technological era as kids these days, I didn't have my camera phone in 3rd grade to take a picture of the first kid I can remember having a crush on.  I think I have the class picture somewhere, but I don't have a scanner.  So... here is what I remember.  His first name was Nick and he sat right behind me in class.  He was a cute kid -- spiky blonde hair, blue eyes and he was funny.  And he picked on me.  Which, in third grade, was a sure sign that he liked me too. But I moved to a new house and school at the end of the year, so that is where that story ended.  :P

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Trading Places

Day 6 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day

This assignment is interesting for sure.   Let's think of the options....

Nah.  Not into the tech-y stuff.  I'd like to trade bank accounts though ;)   NEXT!

UMMM, I'd need more than a day in his shoes to fix things.  Although, I could make for a REALLY fun press conference :)  NEXT!!!!!!

Now THIS is the man I'd love to trade places with.  My beloved husband.  He isn't rich or famous.  But he can be complicated to me.  So  I'd like to experience a day in his world to know what he thinks and feels so I could understand and serve him better!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Another hard photo challenge... Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory

I've been so blessed and loved that it is hard to pick one memory.  I could easily say our fabulous wedding day.   Or all the holidays with the entire family.  Graduating high school and being the first in the family to graduate college would also be right up there.   Fun family vacations (yes, there really is such a thing!).  Or spending summers canning vegetables and making hay with the grandparents. The list goes on and on.  I just can't pick ONE favorite memory. 

So I picked the memory I wish I could go back to...a time when life was so simple. We were young and had no cares.  We had a ton of friends that all lived on the same street.  We rode bikes, played in sandboxes, swung on the mailboxes, played hide and seek, shared toys and ate at whichever house we happened to be at during lunch or dinner time.  The ice cream truck came every night.  On the weekends, our parents cooked out and spent time together like neighbors should.  And we lived just around the corner from our cousin's and not far from our grandmother.  Life was grand!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tonight's Fun

Today's photo challenge is a little unclear to me, but I'm going to do what I can.

Day 3 - A photo of your night

Yeah... crickets chirped after I read that challenge.  My night?  Surely there is a word missing.  My prom night?  My favorite night?  My least favorite night?   Just my night?  Eek, I have to find something exciting to do so I can get a picture!

So... here is a picture of my night:

Yup, I baked gingerbread men.  (No, I really didn't just make this up to be exciting, I actually HAD to do it for a children's program on Saturday.)  and now my house smells delish!!!

Run Run as fast as you can... you can't catch me... I'm the gingerbread man. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back in Time

Today's picture assignment takes us back quite a few years.  Back to the time when television was GOOD.  Day 03 calls for "A Picture of the Cast from Your Favorite Show". 

Anyone out there remember TGIF on ABC?

TGIF had a line-up of shows that I loved (and still love to watch re-runs).  I don't think I can pick a single show as my favorite, so here are my favorites.

(Gotta love the outfits!  Kimmi's sweater is dashing!)

The modern day Brady Bunch here. (Another secret to add to the stash I gave on Monday....I had a big crush on J.T.  And I wanted to be just like Al.)
Who couldn't love this crew?

All this reminiscing about when TV was good made me think of one other favorite....

Then there are all the good cartoons we used to have... Smurfs, Care Bears, The Flintstones, Popeye, Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Jetson's (which reminds me, shouldn't we be flying around in our "cars" by now?!).... I could go on for days.

Oh to go back to when television programs were good....