Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Father Abraham

had many sons..had many sons had Father Abraham....Come on.. I know you know the song.... so let's just praise the Lord. I remember singing this song for the longest time and I had no idea why I was considered a child of Abraham. But I thought it was pretty cool that my dad was on the face of a penny. Haha. Later in life, I realized that the Abraham I learned about in school and the Abraham we sang about at that VBS were very different!

Recently I was reading about Bible Abraham and realized how applicable the beginning of his story is to my story right now.

'The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your fathers household and go to the land I show you." - Genesis 12:1

Similarly, I was called to leave my state, my "people" and my family and go to this small town that is completely not what I'm used to. Is it what I would've chosen? No. But, we are creatures of habit and we like to be comfortable. However, we don't grow when we are comfortable! The promise that follows God's command to Abraham makes all of that worth it though...

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" -Genesis 12:2-3

Wow.. that gets me excited. I mean, who doesn't want to leave a legacy of greatness behind? And how cool is it that God promises to "have our backs"? There isn't anyone better to protect us!

God's message to us since the beginning has been to trust Him. Are you trusting in Him to bless your life? To protect you? To love you? To make your name known? Or are you trusting your husband, wife, your boss or yourself to do those things?

Once you trust Him to do these things, your life isn't going to be easy... you are ogoing to have trials and tribulations. Abraham picked up, carried his family to a far away land, and the first thing he experienced was a famine. Why? Not because God forgot about His promise to Abraham, but because He wanted Abraham to TRUST him. God asks us to go places and do things without too many details because He wants us to trust Him. The great thing is... that if we follow Him, He will take care of us...if we obey!

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