Friday, August 14, 2009

More thoughts...

It's been a few weeks since my last update, so I thought I would check in in case anyone reads this other than my husband :)

Yesterday marked two months of marriage... time is flying by and before we know it, we'll be at the five year mark... and then twenty...fifty.. I can't wait to see what life has in store for us!

God definitely has some big plans for us... I can feel it.... I just don't know what exactly it is and I've been praying really hard to find out exactly what it is that I'm supposed to be doing. While I enjoy serving the guests at the hotel, the pay just isn't going to work for the long term. The problem is that when I work for four hours, I'm dead tired... and I mean TIRED! Right now there is laundry to be done, dishes to be put away and I am glued to the couch...don't have any motivation to move. While my energy has definitely increased with taking supplements, it is still hard to get through the day without a nap. When someone with MS says they are tired, its a whole new definition of tired...its exhausted times 10. I've always been easily "tired" but since June 15th when this attack hit, I've learned a new definition of the word. I'm just thankful that I don't have kids to take care of and have depend on me right now because it is hard. But I'm confident that things are going to continue to get better. And if they don't, well, its in God's hands and He can take care of it.

It's been such a different and peaceful ride learning to let go and let God. sure, there are days when I look at what bills are due for the week and wonder how its going to happen....but I've learned to not really stress about it terribly like I used to. The numbers might not make sense to me, but they do to God...He has it all under control and it seems that when we've needed it the most, there has been unexpected money show up. And a check engine light in Russ' car turned into absolutely nothing.... God takes care of us, that's for sure!
I'm a firm believer that when we tap into our limited resources and help other people out, that God sees that and then reaches into his UNLIMITED resources and gives back to us more than we could imagine. We just have to remember to help others out when they need it and God will help us out when we need it. How encouraging to know that I don't have to take on all the stress of life!

Russ has started football camp and he seems to really like it here. The guys are already seeing him as a leader and looking up to him, which is great. Unfortunately so many young men don't have good male role models in their lives. They need a sense of what a "real" man is.....that a man doesn't have to drink, yell, cuss or be disrespectful to be a man. And its unfortunate that fathers don't care or don't take the time to teach their kids these their kids are the only legacy they will leave behind. But a lot of parents just think that it is someone else's responsibility.... but I once heard a poem that said that there was a job that was given to everybody and everybody thought somebody would do it, but nobody did it. Then somebody got angry because everybody didn't do it but everybody blamed somebody for not doing it. So I guess if the parents aren't going to step up and we see a need, we should step in and do it because at least we are doing something and can't be blamed for doing nothing!

Well, that's all of my provoking thoughts for the day! Until next time....

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