Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Silence is Golden... or is it?

Growing up, I always understood that silence was a good thing.  My mom always wanted a little piece of it for some reason!  And I always enjoyed it myself.  It helped me to get in tune with myself.  And I still enjoy it.  It helps me get in tune with God.

But lately, I've realized that silence isn't always good.  Sometimes you need to speak up loud and clear.  There was yet another gang-related shooting in our neighborhood and the neighbors refuse to speak up and say who did it.  They are afraid they are being snitches.  Afraid that they'll be the next target.  To the first excuse, I say... COPOUT.  Who cares what other people thingk.  The second excuse has some validation since there is a history of the "snitches" being targeted.  But if everyone is silent and just lets this slide by without the offenders getting consequences, guess what?  They are going to do it again.  And who is to say that your family won't be involved out of chance. 

And with Martin Luther King Day just passing, I couldn't help but think of just how many people were silent when it came to the poor treatment of African Americans. What if people had spoke up sooner? 

And just today I was on Facebook and saw a group that made me sick to my stomach. A group making fun of a high school boy.  The wall was filled with hate messages.  So you know what?  I spoke up.  I don't know what difference it makes, but I refuse to have knowledge of a group like that and not do something about it!

Silence isn't always golden... sometimes you have to speak up. 

And in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his willingness to speak up, one of my favorite quotes from him...

We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.

1 comment:

  1. ooooo, I love that quote by MLKing. Thanks for a great post Kacey! Breaking the silence is far more courageous than a physical show of strength or sporting a gun. Christ was our ultimate example. With just a word He did more than calm a sea. He could cause thousands to sit spell-bound and listen to truth in its purest form... all without a microphone.
    Praise God for your living testimony "where your at".
