Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Slow Transformation

So, the vegetarian idea was nixed.  Very lovingly, but very firmly nixed.  Coach did remind me of how far we have come in 10 months though.  He used to eat at least two burgers a week.  Big juicy burgers.  And tacos with lots of cheese and sour cream.  And pizza with lots of cheese, meat and very few veggies.  We (okay, I) have now eliminated all red meat from our diet.  So no more burgers... unless they are made of turkey.  If we go to Ruby Tuesdays, he'll get the bison burger, but it isn't as terrible.  I don't think.  But a treat once and awhile doesn't hurt.  There isn't cheese in the house anymore.  Very rarely do we have sour cream... and no pizza either.  We are down to fish, turkey and poultry for our meats.  And after last night, we are going to start trying to go to organic chicken.  We'll see how well this town is equipped for that.  So for 10 months, I think that is pretty good.  Baby steps.... but progress none the less :)

Twenty minutes after this discussion, we've "settled in for the night". I am in my pajamas... with no makeup, hair pulled up in a "it'll have to do" ponytail playing Farmville.  Coach has rearranged the living room furniture to make his PS3 playing comfortable.  So we were obviously VERY busy.  Our house is a mess in between coming home, moving in new furniture and trying to get rid of old and having a yard sale next week.

I hear a car door slam (not uncommon) and leaves crunching on our porch.  Knock Knock.  Coach swings the door open before even trying to tell me who it is.  HELLO unannounced visitor.  My bad thoughts got out before I could catch them.... "HEY, COULDN'T YOU HAVE CALLED?! GEESH."  But after gritting my teeth a few minutes, I realized, WAIT A MINUTE.  This is the whole purpose of what you are doing with your 30 day challenge!  Catching someone unexpectedly.

As the guilt set in, I began to think... maybe the unexpected visits are something that need to come back in this society.  I wasn't around in the 1900's... or even the 1950's, but I suspect long before there were telephones and long before there were cell phones, people dropped in unannounced.  Neighbors came over and you just socialized. There wasn't so much rushing off to get one kid to piano and one kid to soccer.  You just stopped what you were doing and had a conversation with a real live person, rather than just a screen in front of you.  You might have even put on a cup of coffee or tea and baked a cake.  And if the visitor caught you on a bad day, you probably talked about it.  There was no mask.  They knew you weren't perfect and they could relate.  There wasn't so much keeping up with the Jones'. 

Nowadays, we want to expect people so that we can have our house looking perfect, have a talk with the kids to be on their best behavior and put on your best outfit and makeup to impress. But we need to drop that mask.  There is no reason to look perfect.  We all have our faults.  And we are all in this together.

So come on by unannounced visitors. I can't promise I'll stay in my pajamas, but I won't think bad thoughts :)  After all, changing my thinking is a lot like changing my diet... a slow transformation!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific post! I don't do well w/ unexpected visitors. Especially people I don't know. Wouldn't that all change if I remembered "entertaining angels unaware"?

    This one made me think. Is still making me think...
