Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Clean up, Clean up, Everybody, Everywhere

Except it wasn't everybody.  It was just me.  And I didn't intend to clean everywhere. Our sheets needed changed... bad.  Coaches can really stink sometimes. (I LOVE YOU HONEY!)  So I went to the "spare room" to get the extra set of sheets and found a mess.  Which I cleaned up.  Walked out and forgot the sheets.  But I remembered the clean laundry in the dryer.  Took the clean laundry to the bed to fold and realized I never put sheets on the bed.  Got the bed sheets, made the bed and dumped the clothes out on the bed.  Went to put the laundry basket at the end of the bed and decided I was really sick of the clothes baskets at the end of the bed. 

I decided if I moved the *ahem* firearms to another location, I could move the dresser down and sit the laundry baskets beside of it.  In the process of moving the dresser, I realized JUST how dusty it was.  After cleaning it off, I realized I could move one thing that was on the dresser into another room to make more room on our dresser.  So, I went into the guest bedroom.  The desk with our printers on it was extremely cluttered and needed to be reorganized.... and dusted.  Then I spotted a lamp that I forgot I had and remembered how I wanted a desk lamp at work.  So I pulled the plug only to find that it was stuck underneath our filing cabinets.  Ugh.  So I broke out my muscles again, got that free and realized that some "junk" had fallen in between the desk and cabinet.  So I cleaned that out and had a trash pile and a file pile.  Upon taking the trash pile to the kitchen, I realized the trash needed to be emptied. And so did the dishwasher. 

And to think all I wanted to do was change the sheets on the bed....

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