Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can I have an adult menu please?

Do you remember being too old for the kids menu and proudly asking for an adult menu?  My little sister is so ready for the day that she doesn't have to even consider the children's menu anymore.  Me?  I'd much rather order off the kids menu at a restaurant... the portion sizes are a little more appropriate.  ANYWAY...

If you are old enough to order off the adult menu... what else are you old enough for?  Should you be ready for everything on the adult menu of life?  Work?  Responsibilities?  Oh the pain these words cause teenagers. But only because they've been trained to think that these things are against them.

When child labor laws were put into effect is when "teenagers" were really "invented".  Before, you were either a child or an adult.   Don't believe me?  Go get your concordance and look up the word teenager or teen in the Bible.... I'll wait.

::crickets chirping::

Couldn't find it?  Neither could I... but look what I did find.

1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Hmm. Interesting. There was no middle stage mentioned.  Either child or adult.  No option to be in the middle.  So teens, I ask you... which do you consider yourself to be?  And adults, how do you treat teenagers?  If we are treating them like children, they will act like children.  If however, we raise the bar and expect them to act like adults... maybe just maybe they'll surprise you!

Next up.. it's about to get good....

1 Corinthians 4:11 - Brothers, stop thinking like children.  In regard to evil, be infants, but in your thinking be adults

Again, no in between stage here.  This verse is right on... but unfortunately our culture screams the exact opposite to our children....doesn't it? Be MATURE in your EVIL but be IMMATURE and infant like in your THINKING. Ugh. 

So, before I get way up on this soapbox.... let me end with a challenge.  Teenagers... think of something that you would love to do and would be completely out of the ordinary for someone your age.... and set out to do it.  These are the best years of your life.  You aren't tied down with bills.  You don't have obligations yet.  Put these years to good use. 

To adults... I challenge you to raise the bar a little bit.  I think the bar of expectation that we as a society have of teenagers is on the floor.... it needs to be raised to the ceiling so that teenagers can rise to the challenge.  It's not hard for them to sit on the floor.   Help them expand their world and fly higher and farther than you ever thought possible!


  1. Great post Kacey! I have believed this for some time. We don't expect enough from our kids and they meet THAT expectation easily. Sure, you can set unrealistic goals for them and that's wrong too. But get your teen to set high goals for themselves? YES! I love the website: and love how they are turning teens on to doing the hard thing. (The name of their book). I wanted to list it here in case any of your readers wanted to check them out! Keep up the great writing Kacey!

  2. So true Kacey!!! I loved reading this. Raising the bar ever higher!

    YSIC & F,

