Monday, March 30, 2009

This is a long car ride Dad...

Yesterday's message at church was certainly applicable to my life.... "When God makes you wait" It helped me to remember that it is best to wait and not try to do it on our own. There are too many instances where people in the Bible tried to do it on their own and things just didn't turn out so well (Abram and Sarai wouldn't wait to get pregnant in God's time.... and there were huge consequences).

So today I heard something on the radio that brought that point home again. This whole ordeal is like a car ride....and God is in the front seat driving. I let him sit there a long time ago... and He has taken me to some really exciting places... but it feels like right now, we are on a cross country trip... and I'm the little kid in the backseat saying "ARE WE THERE YET?" "HOW ABOUT NOW?" "I HAVE TO PEE...I'M HUNGRY... I WANT TO GET OUT... NOW" Haha. And He just looks in the mirror and smiles reassuringly..... or He just tells me "Not yet, listen to the music and look out the window" like my parents used to tell me. I'm trying really hard to just enjoy where I'm at... and I am... but being the planner that I am, I want to know where we are going, when we are going to be there and what we are going to do when we get there. Yes, I'm one of those pain in the butt kids. But I'm learning to just be content... I mean, I don't want God to use the "DON'T MAKE ME STOP THIS CAR" threat. I always hated that one. But of course, it did make me stop whining.

So I'm going to be content with just riding in the car... enjoying the time with God and enjoying the scenery. :)

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