Thursday, March 12, 2009

This week's resolutions

"Be patient with each person, attentive to individual needs. And be careful that when you get on each other's nerves you don't snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out." 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 MSG

I really like the way the message has translated this verse. It really spoke a lot to me this week. I have been insanely busy at work the past two weeks and things with the wedding are REALLY picking up. Needless to say, my nerves have been worn out. And unfortunately for Russ this week, he has been the recipient of my "snappings" :( We've had some really silly "fights" this week... I mean, fights over green beans silly. hahaha, yes was definitely a fight to put in the book of our relationship history. We can both laugh at it now, but my words certainly weren't uplifting.

I've always always always said that I won't let my work take over my life. But unfortunately, that is a lot easier said than done. Most of the times, I'm successful. But then these huge "important" deadlines come in and I feel that I have to be 100% committed or the world is going to end. It's really not. So my first resolution is to stop letting the urgent crowd out the important. And make sure I don't let my stress build up in me to the point that I hurt others.

My next resolution sort of goes with that, but it hit me through a totally different avenue.

Over the past few months, I've had the chance to drive through a not so great area of town when coming home on the backroads. Everytime I go through there, whether it is nice or it is freezing, there are tons of people just walking. Not for exercise, they are obviously walking to get to where they need to go. Some are carrying books, some are carrying groceries, some are toting kids around with strollers loaded full of stuff. It is in a populated part of town, where you can just walk to places... but I know I sure wouldn't. My lazy self would go get in my car (especially when its freezing cold) and I would drive the three tenths of a mile to the grocery store.

So last night I'm sitting in traffic and coming the other way is this man on a bike. When he gets close, I can see he is probably in his 50's and his face is filthy. He has a construction hard hat on and a backpack... and he looks utterly exhausted. But he was pedaling as hard as he could to get up the hill and to wherever he was going. Who knows where he came from, there aren't construction places or even places he'd be working looking like that for miles... and who knows where he was going. But right then and there, I said a prayer for him... that whatever hard times he is facing would bring him closer to the Lord... then I thanked God for all that I have... most of which I take for granted. I take my car for granted... the one that drives me half a mile or halfway across the country... for the warm house I knew I had to come home to.... for the job that has been stressing me out so much. I take my family for granted... that they are always going to be there... but we aren't guaranteed another day. I take the food on my table for granted... a lot of people these days don't have it.

So my second resolution is to become more grateful/thankful and to try and lift people up who need it. That guy on that bike sure looked like he could've used a "Jesus loves you"

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